The strength of links and the regular relationships that unite  communities  offer
the  advantage  of  maintain the  memory of pioneers  over time, such  as tell  us
Nathalie AUGUY-PERIE and Delphine BIELANSKY Presidente and general  secre-
tary of the ROUERGUE PIGUE association of  SAINT COME D'OLT in the  depart-
ment of  Aveyron  and  Maria  Amalia  RODRIGUEZ  Presidente  of the PIGUE ex-
change friendly located in the heart of the Argentina Pampa.
" Our association made up of 200 members founded in 1984 with the objective of maintain and perpetuate  the relations
of friendship between France and Argentina and in particular between Rouergue and the Aveyron colony of PIGUE loca-
ted on the North West part of the silver continent in 584 kilometers from  Buenos Aires." Tell us  Nathalie AUGUY-PERIE.
" The emigration of  Aveyron  families to  Argentina was  initiated in  1881  under the  leadership of Clément  Cabanettes
from the village of Ambec near Saint Come D'Olt or he  succeeds, at the time, to  convince forty  families to  go into exile
towards Argentina new eldorado and the promised land for these new migrants and in 1884 they left Rodez by train and
then embarked on the Belgrano Ship  which  left from  Bordeaux  for South  America and after a long  and tiring  journey,
they will arrive at the port of Buenos Aires from where they will take the train to PIGUE  station only  building present to
welcome us where  they set  foot  on  December 4, 1884. 
 "The economic and social data  of Aveyron at  the end of
19th  century  are  very  particular or  a good  number  of
inhabitants who suffer from overpopulation,the cramped
nature of farms and the arrival of  phylloxera in  the vine-
yards of  the  valleys are  tempted by the  emigration and 
the reasons for leaving  of these  families from  the valley
of the Olt were mainly the search for a new more prospe-
rous life on South American soil in parallel with the disco-
very of new horizons  as was  the case  for all  pioneering
French in South  America  during  centuries past. "During
the years which followed the first arrivals of families and
after a difficulat start,the Aveyron colony was one of the most active in the Argentina Pampa,helped by its agricul-
tural and commercial origins acquired in Aveyron  and in
particular  in  the  Region of  Rouergue." tell us Delphine
BIELANSKY pointing out the specificities on a map.



The Dynamics Of Links Between Pigue And Aveyron
Created and initiated in May 2001 by a group of young people  whose  objective  was to maintain  and to  perpetuate the
friendship relations between France and Argentina in particular between the Rouergue and the Aveyron colony of PIGUE
the association PIGUE FRIENDLY EXCHANGES chaired by Maria  Amalia RODRIGUEZ  including 15 active  members com-
pleted by 10 external collaborators is also very active in its cooperation  projects."Our actions are various with, for exam-
ple,educational projects and this since June 2001 with in particular the reception  of students and  trainees  and  partner-
ships between educational establishments in our 2 regions such as this was the  case between  the Louis  Querbes  High
School of Rodez and the escuela de educacion Media  PIGUE NO2. Our  association also has very  regular relations   with
French institutions as with  the French  Embassy and  consulate in addition to the  French Network of Buenos Aires. Our
cooperation projects which are very varied concern also genealogy and research for families who wish contacts in  addi-
tion to trips in France and visits made with the  descendants of  emigrants from  Rouergue closely with  the  ROUERGUE
PIGUE Association and the departemental council of Aveyron which has a cooperation agreement with  the  municipality
of Saavedra Pigue.We collaborate also closely with the cultural  service  of the city  of PIGUE for actions  to promote cul-
ture,gastronomy  and  traditions  from the  French community  in parallel with  cultural operations  intended to  promote
exchanges between France and  Argentina also  integrating promotional, economic and social data  well in line   with the 
history specificities of the Aveyron emigration and which prove the dynamics and the sustainability of the links  between
PIGUE and the Aveyron for more than 130 years".
Report : Gabriel PAGE 
Photo Credit : Gabriel PAGE.ROUERGUE PIGUE.PIGUE FRIENDLY EXCHANGES  (Produced in 2019)
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