Created and initiated in May 2001 by a group of young people whose objective was to maintain and to perpetuate the
friendship relations between France and Argentina in particular between the Rouergue and the Aveyron colony of PIGUE
the association PIGUE FRIENDLY EXCHANGES chaired by Maria Amalia RODRIGUEZ including 15 active members com-
pleted by 10 external collaborators is also very active in its cooperation projects."Our actions are various with, for exam-
ple,educational projects and this since June 2001 with in particular the reception of students and trainees and partner-
ships between educational establishments in our 2 regions such as this was the case between the Louis Querbes High
School of Rodez and the escuela de educacion Media PIGUE NO2. Our association also has very regular relations with
French institutions as with the French Embassy and consulate in addition to the French Network of Buenos Aires. Our
cooperation projects which are very varied concern also genealogy and research for families who wish contacts in addi-
tion to trips in France and visits made with the descendants of emigrants from Rouergue closely with the ROUERGUE
PIGUE Association and the departemental council of Aveyron which has a cooperation agreement with the municipality
of Saavedra Pigue.We collaborate also closely with the cultural service of the city of PIGUE for actions to promote cul-
ture,gastronomy and traditions from the French community in parallel with cultural operations intended to promote
exchanges between France and Argentina also integrating promotional, economic and social data well in line with the
history specificities of the Aveyron emigration and which prove the dynamics and the sustainability of the links between
PIGUE and the Aveyron for more than 130 years".