These are significant projets both in terms of their times of interventions in good balance with their lead times such as
electrical rehabilitation works outdoor and indoor facilities at THE PAGALA GARE Hospital in TOGO in Africa,the con-
tribution to the development of the village of AMPAZONY in MAGAGASCAR within the creation of a reliable and secu-
re network of access to water and electricity where ESF to be carried out the supply of electricity to the village farm
including the network of the primary school and the others places in addition to the very daring projects that we are
carrying out like that of the hydroelectric power station of the village of CHIMKHOLA in NEPAL. About the operatio-
nal achievements, we operate in project mode with a team of 3 to 4 people led by a project manager in collaboration
with our partners whether local or on sites as was the case for example in CAMEROUN with the cities of DSCHANG
and NANTES METROPOLE. Most of the time,the interventions for stays on sites are variable and take into account the
specifications and deadlines for finalizing projects and a stay of the team can last 10 days or even 3 weeks or more
with the relay on site to the teams of local achievements.
Climatic or géological disasters cause disturbances which require rapid and effective interventions to restore networks
in addition to urgently meeting basic daily needs in power supply. ESF recently intervened in LIBAN in the same way
that the years spent in 2017 on the island of DOMINIQUE and in 2018 in INDONESIA following earthquakes and hur-
ricanes or our interventions, carried out in close collaboration and with the support of local authorities,others NGO,
the crisis center and support of the Minsitry Of Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the French Embassy in particular for pro-
jects in INDONESIA allows operations such as the supply of streetlights and solar kits,the delivery of generators or
even some electrical equipment. In these emergency operations, we also have a role of support and coordinator like
the one carried out on the island of DOMINIQUE or 6 health centers equipped with solar power plants were add up
by 2 local companies on good coordination with ESF teams.
Our desire is also to support and train men and women in the management and rationalization of access to water and
electricity and ESF mobilizes its teams also including qualified and certified members in the facility electricity networks