GB PORTRAITS 31 08 2024

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When you visit a region like Nouvelle Aquitaine and you are interested in its culture and history  , it   is   also  interesting  to  meet  its craftsmen , often  located   in  radiant  and  authentic little towns of character, who harmoniously  accompany their  know-how and who  take  pleasure , in  addition  to  the  presentation  of  their  personalized  made-to-measure products ,to welcome  you  there  to  show  you  around  their workshops  and 
boutiques alongside the discovery of their often ancestral traditions.
Our beautiful provinces are also places  conducive  to creativity where  men and women  live who are passionate about
the craftsmen that I met and who shared with me their love of a job well done, mixed with  traditions and values conso-
lidated by time.These meetings require programming because the availability of these talented artists is always planned
according to their activities and their opening hours to the public but spend a morning or afternoon in an art workshop
is always  enriching  in  addition to  the  discovery of  numerous  achievements as  diverse as  each other  which are the
affirmed expression of this French art of living that the whole world envies us. Whether it  is tapestry, cabinetmaking or 
silk painting from pottery and enamels to the making of curtains and cushions, the activities of craftsmen in NOUVELLE
AQUITAINE are multiple and  diverse and  always  carried  out in a  personalized  framework  that we often  calls for the
secret of tailor-made. My journey begins in the heart  of the region  in the CREUSE to join  AUBUSSON , a beautiful and
rebellious city which is home to there International Tapestry City in parallel with its referencing and of its know-how to the cultural and intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO or Nadia  PETKOVIC welcomes  me weaver since 2014 and
creator of The Atelier De La Lune. "After artistic training at Art School in  Nantes followed  by 6 years of teaching visual
arts, I trained as a weaver in  2010/2011  and it  was a  revelation  because, in  addition to  my passion for  creating and
producing custom-made works, I appreciate the work and the treatment of colors and shapes on textiles,wool or fabric
with applications as varied as  those  found on  embroidery,costumes  or even  tapestry like this  was the case  with the 
work on  wool  for the  creation  of the  Miyazaki  tapestries  in the  International  Tapestry City of  AUBUSSON.Being a
craftsman also means, to a certain extent, being the guardian of the  memory  of ancestral  traditions  that we maintain
in the making of our products that i would also be  happy to  present to the public  at the Braquenié Tapestries Factory
in Aubusson as part of the European Heritage Days on September 21  and 22,2024 " Nadia  Petkovic tells me with a big 
smile while showing me one of  her  latest  works.  Heading to  the north  of the  region and  the department of HAUTE
VIENNE to  join  LE DORAT  a  great city  of  character with  a rich  heritage,home  to notably one of the most beautiful
Roman churches in France to meet the team of  Art Soph Créa Workshop who,in addition to  their main  activity which
is pottery, provide additional artistic services such as manga  and oil  pastel  drawing and  engraving  on polystyrene in
parallel  with  pottery  classes  for  children and  adults. "Installed  since  January  2010 after  obtaining  a  certificate in
artistic trades at Longchamp in  Cote D'Or, I  realized  products  that are  always  personalized  and of  different sizes in 
good balance with the ranges and the particularities desired by our customers who  appreciate our know-how and our
work because our often unitary  achievements require  skill, precision  and  quality in the  finishes." Sophie  Lamberton,
founder  of  the  Workshops, tells  me  while  presenting her  latest  creations placed  on a piece  of raw wood  furniture 
near the entrance to the workshops.radiant 
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An Environment Conducive to Creativity

Scattered  and  localized on  the  13  departments  that  make  up  the  Region, integrating a balance  between cities and
territories,crafts and their players in NOUVELLE AQUITAINE  also collaborate with  different  organizations, regional and
national  stakeholders, including The  National Institute  of Arts and  Crafts, the Art Workshops  of France,the Chambers
of  trades  and  crafts, the  network of  towns  and  crafts in  parallel also  with a close  collaboration  with the REGIONAL
COUNCIL OF THE NOUVELLE AQUITAINE REGION in the context of the management, assistance and implementation of their projects. Personal motivations and passion are always very strong  when we listen  to and  question these men and women , often  between  2 sticks,  tints , shaping  or  cutting  and  whatching  a  craftsman  working  in  his  workshop  is
always enjoyable because you learn a lot of things while  observing the  meticulousness of their  hands which shape, cut
and adjust the "Handmade" poducts very often embellished  with big  smiles  expressing all the  satisfaction of a job well 
done  as  i  would  see  in  the  village of  SAINT LEON SUR VEZERE   in  Dordogne  in  the  PIQOLI  boutique  where  I am welcomed around a  coffee  on  wooden  stools  by  Olivier  Picquart  and  Nathalie  Gannet “As a trained  wood carver, a   friend who was a  cutler  one  day  told  me "stolen" a  piece of  mammoth ivory that was so small that i could only make
a piece of jewelry out of it and it is like this is how my love at first sight with ivory and  mammoth  began."Olivier Piquart 
tells me."We were  previously  settled in  Creuse  before  settling in  Périgord  Noir  in  March 2015 and I take care of the
shop  while  Olivier  makes  the  custom  products  in  the workshop" Nathalie  tells  me  while  drinking her coffee while
Olivier invites  me to  follow  him to his  workshop. »I also use  elk and  reindeer  antlers, some horns,black oak from the
peat bogs and my  tools  consist of  woodworking tools  such as  saws and gouges,jewelry and cutlery tools allowing for
careful finishing because each piece produced is then  subject to a  polishing  without  using any  varnish.I make a lot of
pendants  which  are, besides  my  favorite  jewel , also a  mirror  for  the  one  who  wears  it  as well as for the one who
observes it" Olivier Picquart tells me. In addition to the products by Olivier Picquart and  Nathalie  Gannet, the boutique
also presents works created by local crastsmen such as knives, leather goods, ceramics and wood and which is part of a 
promotional approach and art crafstmen in order to promote “Made In France” and its legendary quality  appreciated in 
particular by customers foreigners who come from Europe  but also  from  the  United States, Australia  and many other 
countries who make these craftsmen of art the guardians of our heritage in good balance with the cultural wealth of the 
region NOUVELLE AQUITAINE that we find in its radiant and authentic little towns of character which also participate in an environment conducive to creativity with a tourist potential that we never tire of  visiting as  there is so  much things
to discover in these authentic cities where history, culture and the art of living are constantly combined.

Report: Gabriel PAGE
Photos Credit: Gabriel PAGE / Atelier De La Lune / Art Soph Crea / City of Le Dorat
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