GB PORTRAITS 15 02 2025

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The  pioneering  spirit  is  also an  integral  part  of  the  men and women who act in the
oysters farming sector who are also the actors and witnesses of our French art of living
as I  have  seen  with  oyster  farmers  of  "Vendée Atlantique " oysters at  the Barre  De 
Monts Fromentine and Beauvoir Sur Mer in the heart of Bourgneuf Bay in Vendée.
"The  production area of  the oysters labeled  "Vendée Atlantique"  mainly  covers the  departments  of Vendée and Loire
Atlantique on a journey along 80 kilometers of the  coasts  of  these  two  departments” Clarisse  DAVID  tells  me who is
oysters farmer at La Barre De Monts Fromentine. » The Vendée Atlantique oyster is mainly located in the Bourgneuf Bay
and this since the 18th century, knowing that, since then, production sites have  been  developed  mainly  on the Vendée
coast, notably in Talmont Saint Hilaire, on  the  island  of  Noirmoutier  and in  the  Aiguillon  Sur Mer  Bay in the south of
Vendée. »The “Vendée Atlantique” variety is an oyster very  popular  for  its  authenticity  and its salty aromas expressing
all the freshness of the Atlantic  coast" Clarisse  tells  me  while  adjusting  a  pocket." The  technical  farming  for Vendée
Atlantique oysters are very specific, with, initially, the farming of oysters at sea  followed by  their immersion in less salty
water basins incorporating plankton that we call in our profession “Clear Refining” Jean Louis HERIAU told me with a big 
smile who is oyster farmer in Beauvoir  Sur  Mer  while  accompanying  me  to  his  workshop  with  a  superb view of the 
Bourgneuf   Bay  and   its  oyster  parks  which  give  these  natural   places  atypical  and  mechanical  forms. One  of  the
particularity of this  flagship product  of  the  Atlantic  Coast  is  that  it  must  be aged  for  a  maximum of 4 years before
garnishing our plates, often accompanied by lemons, personalized sauces, especially based on shallots in addition to the
various recipes of preparations and also cooking because the Vendée  Atlantique  oyster can  also, like products from the
Nouvelle Aquitaine, Brittany and Occitanie  regions, be  cooked in  oven  and  served  hot  during  delicious  starters  that
enchant our great lunches or dinners and delight our guests.
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Freshness, Love of a Job Well Done and Friendliness

"Refined  in  salt  water  basins  and  designated "Claires Ostréicoles"  for  several  months  during  phases  of growth, the
Vendée Atlantique oyster has beneficial properties for our  daily  diet. Knowledge  making  the  300 producers of oysters
labeled "Vendée Atlantique" is  often  passed  down  from  generation  to  generation and this in  order to perpetuate the
traditions  of  our  exciting   profession "  Clarisse  DAVID  tells  me  while  inviting  me  to  follow  her  along  her  pockets
positioned near the Gois road not far from  the  island  of  Noirmoutier."At  beyond  being  a  simple  mollusk, the Vendée
Atlantic  Oyster  represents  our  gastronomic  heritage  combining  freshness, love  of  a  job  well done and friendliness" Another specificity that is worth highlighting is  represented by  the  hatcher-nurse function  which is  the  first  phase of
oysters production  as  Jean  Louis  HERIAU  explains  to  me."Nurse  hatchers  are  pioneers in  production  because they
master technical hatching breeding in the early stages of oyster development up  to  the  spat  that  can be cultivated by 
oysters garmers and in particular in Pays De La Loire which is  the  leading  region  producing  hatchery spat  in France".  
Our beautiful  country  which  has  radiant  territories  with  often  surprises  at  every  step  and  where are  combined in
permanence  history, art  of  living  and  gastronomy  with  this  particularity of  maintaining  ancestral traditions that it is
always exciting to discover through the very lively expression of the men and women who compose it.

Report: Gabriel PAGE
Photos Credit: Gabriel PAGE
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