"The production area of the oysters labeled "Vendée Atlantique" mainly covers the departments of Vendée and Loire
Atlantique on a journey along 80 kilometers of the coasts of these two departments”
Clarisse DAVID tells me who is
oysters farmer at La Barre De Monts Fromentine.
» The Vendée Atlantique oyster is mainly located in the Bourgneuf Bay
and this since the 18th century, knowing that, since then, production sites have been developed mainly on the Vendée
coast, notably in Talmont Saint Hilaire, on the island of Noirmoutier and in the Aiguillon Sur Mer Bay in the south of
Vendée. »The “Vendée Atlantique” variety is an oyster very popular for its authenticity and its salty aromas expressing
all the freshness of the Atlantic coast"
Clarisse tells me while adjusting a pocket." The technical farming for Vendée
Atlantique oysters are very specific, with, initially, the farming of oysters at sea followed by their immersion in less salty
water basins incorporating plankton that we call in our profession “Clear Refining”
Jean Louis HERIAU told me with a big
smile who is oyster farmer in Beauvoir Sur Mer while accompanying me to his workshop with a superb view of the
Bourgneuf Bay and its oyster parks which give these natural places atypical and mechanical forms. One of the
particularity of this flagship product of the Atlantic Coast is that it must be aged for a maximum of 4 years before
garnishing our plates, often accompanied by lemons, personalized sauces, especially based on shallots in addition to the
various recipes of preparations and also cooking because the Vendée Atlantique oyster can also, like products from the
Nouvelle Aquitaine, Brittany and Occitanie regions, be cooked in oven and served hot during delicious starters that
enchant our great lunches or dinners and delight our guests.