GB 31 12 2023 PORTRAITS

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When you visit a region  and  are closely  interested in its  culture and history, it is  also interesting to meet its  craftsmen, often  located in  authentic small towns of character that accompany harmoniously their  know-how and who  are  happy, in addition to the presentation  of  their  tailor-made  personalized  products, to  welcome  you  there  to
show you their shops while discovering their traditions sometimes ancestral.
 Our beautiful provinces are also places conducive  to creativity  where men  and women  who are passionate about the
artistic professions that we met and who shared with us their love of  work  well done  mixed with traditions and values
consolidated over time. These meetings require programming because the availability of these talented artists is always
planned according to their activities and their opening hours to the   public but  spending  a morning  or an afternoon in 
an art workshop is always enriching in addition to the discovery numerous achievements as diverse as each other which
are the affirmed expression of this art of living in the French that the whole word envies us.Whether it is  reupholstering
chairs or cabinet making up to the pottery and enamels, including the making of curtains and cushions, the activities of 
craftsmen in PAYS DE LA LOIRE are multiple and diversified and always carried out in a  personalized  framework which  
is frequently called the secret of tailor-made. » We are also the guardians of  the  memory of  often  ancestral traditions
passed down  from  generation to  generation  that  we  maintain  in  the  creation  of our  products" tell me Patrice and
Michelle SABOT of ATELIER DE SEVRE specialized in cabinetmaking, production and repair of wooden chairs located in the village of Sévre in NANTES SUD. Opinions also shared by  Hélène  BENETEAU who runs  a workshop of pottery and ceramics in MOUCHAMPS in Vendée and Evelyne  SAGOT  of  the  ANIMA  LIBRI old  book binding workshop located in MONTREUIL BELLAY in Maine Et Loire."Our  products  are always  personalized and  made tailor-made in good balance
with the particularities desired by our customers who appreciate our know-how"
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An Environment Conducive to Creativity

 Dispersed and located across the 5  departments  that make up  the Region,  integrating a balance between towns and

territories, artistic crafts and their actors in  PAYS   DE LA LOIRE also  collaborate with different organizations including

the  national  institute of  crafts, the art  workshops  of  France,the chambers  of  trades and crafts,the towns and crafts

network in parallel with close  collaboration  with the  REGIONAL  COUNCIL OF THE PAYS DE  LA LOIRE REGION in the context of the management, aid  and  implementation  of their  projects. Personal  motivations and passion are always     

very  strong  when  we  listen  and  question these  men  and women often between 2 cuttings,  shaping or cutting and   

watching an craftsman working in your workshop is always pleasant because you learn  lots of things while  observing  the  meticulousness  of its hands  that  shape,  cut  and  adjust “handmade” products  as  they   tell me  with big smiles     

expressing all the satisfaction of a job well done. Actors  and also  guardians  of our heritage  in good balance with the     

cultural, historical and heritage richness of the region which we find in particular in its radiant small cities of character     

which also contribute to an environment conducive to creativity with potential tourist attraction  that we never tire of     

discovering as there are so many things to discover in these authentic cities where history, culture and the art of living constantly combine. 



Photos credit: GABRIEL PAGE    

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