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The diversity  of sporting activities offered  in the  different  regions  of France is also a way  of  discovering  them  from  a  different angle , particularly  by  air  and what more
attractive than discovering  the departments  of Lot, Aveyron and Lozère located in the OCCITANIE region as part of microlight  flights  which  will  be for  you the opportunity
to admire their radiant landscapes embellished with culture and history.

Active and great sport , microlight flying is a  practice which  consists of flying on board an ultra-light motorized aircraft
more frequently called ULM  which  is an  ultralight  aircraft  equipped with  an engine integrating  conditions  of special
navigations compared to a light aircraft in addition to simplified pilot licenses.The first ULM flight tests  date back to the
1919 to 1924 in the State of Ohio in United States but it was only much later  that the principe  of free  flight associated 
with the ULM concept  took  off,notably  with  the  creation  of  the  first  hang  glider invented i n 1936 by the American Francis Rogallo followed by the idea of a handful of free flight pilots to add a chainsaw engine to the Delta wings before 
the discovery in  1974 of a ULM consisting of a Danis wing equipped with a motorized  tricycle  including The  first flight 
was effective in 1974,completed by its presentation at the Paris Air  Show  in  1975.The  first ULM  were certified as they 
called " Pendular " category still existing today but ULM  devices  were  mainly  developed in France  during the 80s with
the creation in 1981 of the  French  federation of  ultra-light  motorized gliders  which, in  addition to managing the ULM
activities , is  also  approved  by  the  Ministry of  the  City, Youth and  Sports in  parallel  with  its certification to the Civil
Aviation Code with its practical  navigation and  flight procedures  validated by the DSAC (Civil Aviation Safety Council ). Directorate).  There  are  mainly 6  certified  ULM aircraft  models  what  are 1 : The Paramotor  which  is a  single-engine
aircraft completed with a  flexible or  paraglider-type  wing  adapted  for  a  person  with  limited  range 2 : The  Pedulum
having similar technical characteristics as model 1 with a semi-rigid wing completed with a motorized trolley 3 The third 
lis so called "Multi-Axis " ULM which is considered like an aircraft integrating  different  control surfaces which provide it 
with several flight control axes which differentiates it from other ULM models in parallel with its common name which is " Plane ultralight " Or " ULM plane " 4 : the ultra-light autogyro model as in the ultralight dirigible aerostat and finally in 6 the ultralight helicopter which, like the ULM aircraft, can  be mixed in  its  reception  capacities in  single-seater or two-seater mode, depending on the corresponding loads and masses.
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A Pleasant Adrenaline Rush

Located mainly in flying clubs or in airports with suitable annexed premises  and warehouses for this type of aircraft also
allowing the immobilization of devices in parallel with thir necessary  maintenances which  certify their flight capabilities like those found in particular at the ULM club of Quercy at the Figeac Livernon aerodrome in the Lot as well as at that of Rouergue in Villefranche De Rouergue in Aveyron or  even in  Lozère at  Brenoux located near  the town of  Mende,ULM 
clubs and the practice of flights meet a great success based on average  flight times  ranging from  30 to 40 minutes and 
beyond on  a  60  minutes  basis and  more,  depending  on  local  circuits and  routes,  available and  operational aircraft  
models and formulas chosen whether in single-seater or two-seater mode accompanied by an instructor or experienced pilot, the whole completed with standard clothing equipment such as sportswear accompanied by sunglasses in parallel with the suits, helmets and gloves provided by the clubs which are necessary for  the flights. Once  boarding the  aircraft
and once you have reached altitude comes the moment when you feel a pleasant adrenaline  rush often  sought after by
pilots and fans of this type of sport and taking into account the  diversity of  places  and  landscapes of the  departments concerned  in  the  OCCITANIE  region, the  views in the  air in good  weather are  great as  it is above ROCAMADOUR or
along the Célé Valley in the Lot or flying over the Aveyron gorges or the village of Pampelonne in Aveyron and the top of the majestic peaks such as that of Finiels which peaks at 1699  meters  above sea  level  above  Mont  Lozère are  radiant and unforgettable with sensations of total freedom  giving the  somewhat  optical  illusion  of dominating the landscapes that unfold before you and contemplate the region OCCITANIA by airconstitutes an original  way to discover  it including both the beauty of its  landscapes  like  the  richness of  its  heritage  and  this  type of  outings by  air which  goes off the
beaten track and which never eases to developing is  also a  great asset  for discovering  our shimmering territories from
a different and a great angle.

Report: Gabriel PAGE
Photos Credit: Gabriel PAGE / Getty Images
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