Active and great sport , microlight flying is a practice which consists of flying on board an ultra-light motorized aircraft
more frequently called ULM which is an ultralight aircraft equipped with an engine integrating conditions of special
navigations compared to a light aircraft in addition to simplified pilot licenses.The first ULM flight tests date back to the
1919 to 1924 in the State of Ohio in United States but it was only much later that the principe of free flight associated
with the ULM concept took off,notably with the creation of the first hang glider invented i n 1936 by the American Francis Rogallo followed by the idea of a handful of free flight pilots to add a chainsaw engine to the Delta wings before
the discovery in 1974 of a ULM consisting of a Danis wing equipped with a motorized tricycle including
The first flight
was effective in 1974,completed by its presentation at the Paris Air Show in 1975.The first ULM were certified as they
called " Pendular " category still existing today but ULM devices were mainly developed in France during the 80s with
the creation in 1981 of the French federation of ultra-light motorized gliders which, in addition to managing the ULM
activities , is also approved by the Ministry of the City, Youth and Sports in parallel with its certification to the Civil
Aviation Code with its practical navigation and flight procedures validated by the DSAC (Civil Aviation Safety Council ). Directorate). There are mainly
6 certified ULM aircraft models what are
: The Paramotor which is a single-engine
aircraft completed with a flexible or paraglider-type wing adapted for a person with limited range 2 : The Pedulum
having similar technical characteristics as model 1 with a semi-rigid wing completed with a motorized trolley
The third
lis so called "Multi-Axis " ULM which is considered like an aircraft integrating different control surfaces which provide it
with several flight control axes which differentiates it from other ULM models in parallel with its common name which is
" Plane
" Or "
ULM plane
: the ultra-light autogyro model as in
5 the ultralight dirigible aerostat and finally in
the ultralight helicopter which, like the ULM aircraft, can be mixed in its reception capacities in single-seater or two-seater mode, depending on the corresponding loads and masses.