Managed by the French polar institute Paul Emile Victor
, the base, located on an island, is accessible by boat or by helicopter, supplemented by an aircraft runway installed on the continent 10 kilometers from the base in order to facilitate logistical data and whose use is only effective from October to February during the summer season. Equipped with a workforce of 30 people in winter for an average of 110 in summer,
Dumont D'Urville base
is also connected by the
ship Astrolabe refueling which, in addition to its specific on-site support missions for competent teams, ensures the supply of supplies and provisions in parallel with team rotations on a period from November to March.The corresponding
scientific teams dedicated to the appropriate studies also collaborate closely with foreign countries, particularly with Italy, for example in the context of astronomical studies for the installation of telescopes and radio telescopes or even geophysical and climatological studies such as the magnetosphere, the upper atmosphere, global warming with its impact on the ozone layer, in parallel with fundamental physics projects such as the capture of high-energy particles.
The base, given its position and location, is an important strategic location for the study and conservation of local fauna, mainly represented by emperor penguins and Adélie penguins, which are pleasant to observe in these places so close to the great wild spaces.
In parallel with the skuas or snow petrels which are birds that feed in particular with the chicks of emperor penguins and despite the negative temperature of the water in addition to the harshness of the climate,we can also observe at certain times of the year orcas and rorquals that emerge from these icy waters with graceful gestures. Discovering Terre Adélie and meeting on the base and on sites men and women passionate about their missions and their goals remains an unforgettable memory in these majestic places often imbued with magical and fairy-tale colors expressing all that nature has of noblest.
Report: Gabriel PAGE
Photos Credit: Gabriel PAGE / Getty Images