BIG SIZES

The diversity of  sporting  activities  offered  in the  different  regions  of France is also a way to discover them from another different angle, particularly by air and what could be
more attractive than discovering HAUTE MARNE in  the context  of jumps in parachutes which will be an  opportunity  for  you  to  admire its  landscapes  decorated with strong
sensations   and   adrenaline  rushes   as   members   and  instructors  from  the   French
instructors from the French skydiving federation.
An active sport  par excellence, skydiving is a  practice  which consists of falling from a height of several hundred meters 
up to several thousand when leaving  a plane or  any other aircraft and then arriving on earth to help of a parachute and
in the case of momentum from a fixed point such as bridges or cliffs we call the base jump or  base jump and once in the
sky, the parachutist is in free  fall for  a variable  duration  and this  depending on  the  height at which  it was released in
addition to its relative opening  altitude  where  it carries  out its  descent  either  individually which is aerobatics or Free
fly or with other skydivers which is relative flight before landing on earth by piloting your parachute in a suitable manner
to arrive on the ground in the designated  space. » Skydiving was  in  past years  mainly  reserved  and used by seasoned professionals, armies or by  rescue  teams  as  part of  airborne  operations or  logistical support on sites correspondents
but it  was  only   from  the   1950s  and   this also  thanks  to  the  improvement of  equipment  that  it became gradually
established  as  a  leisure  activity  then  as  a  supervised  sport  and,  subsequently, for  around forty  years,open to non-
skydivers in the context of tandem jumps  where  a  person is  attached to a  tandem  instructor which ensures the jump
is carried out in  maximum  safety  conditions. The  basic  equipment for  the  jump  includes a  bag/harness  with a main canopy supplemented by an emergency canopy, an automatic trigger  which will  activate  the opening of the parachute emergency in case of failure to open at a height of 225 meters and 650 meters for  two-seater  parachutes the assembly
also consists of a stabilizer and extractor retarder comparable to a small  sail  during the  fall and  which is only found on
two-seater parachutes used during tandem jumps" explains Philippe GONDET, instructor and experienced parachutist.
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A Strong Dose of Adrenaline Rush

Once boarding the plane and once arriving at altitude comes the  most thrilling moment which is the jump integrating a
strong dose of adrenaline rush often sought by skydivers and  provided by the acceleration of the start, the speed of the fall and the sensations of the corresponding air. »The usual fall  takes place mainly at a height which varies from 3000 to
4200 meters for a duration generally between 40  and 60  seconds and  this  before the  opening  of the main parachute
which is generally activated at an average altitude of 1000 meters for 1500 meters for tandem option jumps. Performed 
manually,the opening  of  the  main  parachute is  carried  out  using a  handle  where the  parachutist first  feels  a short deceleration bringing him back to a straight position then secondly to a high position before the  opening of the canopy 
which slows down in a few seconds its descent speed which passes successively from 200 to 14 kilometers per hour. For 
landing functions and this thanks with 2 control handles, the parachutists maneuver in the so-called “rounding” position 
which allows an arrival at the smooth ground before arriving in the folding area which is very often a hangar. Taking into 
account the diversity  of places  and  landscapes  of  the  region, the  views in  the  air in  good  weather  whether  above 
CHAUMONT or LANGRES  or the  National  Forest  Park as  along LAC DU DER are radiant also  complemented by group
figures with other parachutists in parallel also with  flights above  the clouds  which offer sensations that are sometimes
strange and which  give a  dimension  of  total  freedom  by  having the  possibility of  moving in several options whether
alone, in tandem duo or in groups  with  the  somewhat  optical  illusion of  dominating the  landscapes available to you".
tell me Catherine LECOINTRE and Jean François  LHENORET, parachutists and instructors who are  also members of the French parachuting federation. Contemplating the  region from the air is an original  way of  discovering it and admiring  both the beauty of its landscapes and the richness  of  its  heritage  and this  type of  activity  carried out  in particular in
tandem mode supervised by a qualified instructor  who constantly to develop is also a fantastic asset for discovering our radiant territories from a different angle.

Report: Gabriel PAGE
Photos credit : Gabriel PAGE / French Parachuting Federation
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