“The project to create the tourist railway line which connects Mortagne Sur Sévre and Les Herbiers dates
of October 1979 on a line which, at the time, was operated in goods traffic in restricted mode. This audacious initiative also aimed to integrate the 19th century industrial heritage of the Vendée museums and materialized in 1983 with the
creation of the Puy Du Fou railway association in parallel with the negotiations with the SNCF and then validated in
1985 in the form of an operating agreement between the SNCF, the city of Mortagne Sur Sévre and the Puy Du Fou
railway association for operational council on June 1 of the same year. Developments over the following years changed
the name of the association which is now called since December 6, 1992 association of the Vendée railway in good
balance with the objective of conserving the Vendée railway heritage. »Jean Pierre DUPONT tells me with a big smile
while presenting me with the archives of the time. With an office and a board of directors made up of 9 people in
addition to 70 volunteer members, the Vendée railway association develops and restores the railway equipment with
its corresponding fleet in addition to the operation, restoration, upkeep of the equipment and maintenance of the line on a 22 kilometer route linking Mortagne Sur Sévre and Les Herbiers on the basis of a journey lasting 2.5 to 3 hours at an average speed of 30 km/h.