GB 01 01 2023 TRAVEL DIARY

                 TRAVEL DIARY

The cultural and historical  wealth of  a  region  is  also  measured  in  the  conservation
Of its heritage which also includes, in parallel with its purely  architectural  specificities, data concerning the means of locomotion which  are in  particular the  automobile and the  train  and   which  arouse   vocations  and  passions  as  Jean  Pierre  DUPONT  and
HELENE  DERNONCOURT  explained  to  me,  respectively   president   and  director  of 
development of the association CDF VENDEE of MORTAGNE  SUR SEVRE in VENDEE.
“The  project   to   create   the   tourist   railway   line   which  connects   Mortagne  Sur  Sévre  and  Les  Herbiers  dates
of October 1979 on a line which, at the time, was operated in goods traffic in restricted  mode. This audacious initiative also aimed to integrate the 19th century industrial heritage of the Vendée museums and  materialized in 1983 with the
creation of the Puy Du Fou railway association in parallel with the  negotiations  with the  SNCF  and  then  validated in
1985 in the form of an operating agreement between the   SNCF, the  city  of  Mortagne  Sur Sévre  and the Puy Du Fou
railway association for operational council on June 1 of the same year. Developments over the following years changed 
the name of the association which is now called  since  December 6, 1992  association  of the  Vendée  railway in  good 
balance with the objective of conserving the  Vendée  railway heritage. »Jean  Pierre DUPONT tells me with a big smile
while presenting me  with  the  archives of  the  time. With  an  office  and a  board  of directors made up of 9 people in
addition to 70 volunteer members, the Vendée railway association develops and   restores the  railway equipment with
its corresponding fleet in addition to the operation, restoration, upkeep of the equipment and maintenance of the line  on a 22 kilometer route linking Mortagne Sur Sévre and Les Herbiers on the basis of a journey lasting 2.5 to 3 hours at an average speed of 30 km/h.
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Like the Good Old Days of Steam Trains

“Our railway fleet is substantial, including steam locomotives and   diesel  locomotives  accompanied  by restaurants cars
and passengers wagons well adapted and faithful to the colors and particularities of the trains of the periods  concerned.
We also have 2 railcars including a Picasso model and our operating schedule is broken down into every Sunday in steam traction in the months of June and September in addition to Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays in the months of July and August.For groups with reservations, trains can run  from  April 1 to  October 31  by  steam  train, Picasso  railcar and  on board authentic restaurant cars in the spirit of the legendary “Orient Express”. “Departures are from Mortagne Sur Sévre station at 3:30 p.m. for a return at 6 p.m. and from 12 p.m.  to 3 p.m.  for  packages  trains  restaurants "Cars  of the great
expresses"  in  carefully  decorated  wagons  with  a  refined  atmosphere  like  wagon  4216  which  made  up  one of the carriages of the Arlberg Orient Express and these commented journeys are also an  opportunity to  discover  the  typical 
lanscapes Vendée composed in particular of  sumptuous  valleys also  crossed  by  the Sévre  Nantes  River which can be observed in particular when passing over the 3 viaducts of  Barbin,  Coutigny and  Haute  Maunerie  which  mark out this shimmering territory. Hélène jointly told meDERNONCOURT and Jean Pierre  DUPONT.A  particularity  which is also very appreciated by travelers is the train maneuvering  in the  Herbiers  station  which  lasts 30  minutes and  which allows, in addition to the traction of the locomotives for the return journeys, to observe with a  commentary  appropriate technical and appropriate maintenance work such as water intake and lubrication of movements like in the good old days of steam trains and these practices which are an integral part of  the history  of the  railway are  also the  guardians  of memory of  our railway  workers. “Men  of  progress  have  a  deep  respect  for  history”  specified  the   illustrious  Vendéen Georges Clemenceau  and  traveled  the  Vendée aboard  these  authentic, magnificently  maintained  trains, some  of  which have 
traveled in Europe and its annexed countries with prestigious trains such  as the Nord  Express, the  Golden  Arrow or  in the Arlgerg Orient Express is a pure marvel with a backdrop of history, romance and the scent of adventure.

Report: Gabriel PAGE

Photos credit: Gabriel PAGE-Chemin De Fer De Vendée
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