Special features of sending information:Each recipient receives quarterly a personalized information email with a link on the site allowing direct access.
Particularities of sending of information:
Each recipient receives a quarterly personalized information email with a link on the site allowing direct access to the magazine DESTINATION THE WORLD.
Main functions of recipients:
Ambassadors, Consuls, Agency managers, Export Sales Directors, Marketing Directors, Service managers,
Editors-in-chief, Principals, Presidents of consular chambers, Company directors, Presidents and heads of associations
Responsible: press and communication services, external relations, international relations, human resources, general services.
Main functions of the recipients:
Ambassadors, Consuls, Responsible of agencies, Commercial Directors Export, Marketing Directors, Service Managers, Chief Editors
Provisors, Présidents of consular chambers, Company Directors, Presidents and heads of associations. Responsible: Press and communication services, external relations, international relations, human resources, general services.