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                 FROM ASSOUAN TO LOUXOR                                 FASCINATING EXPEDITION IN EGYPT
Discovering the world and its  particularities, which vary from one continent to another, 
is also  an  opportunity  for unique  experiences and  enriching encounters such as with
guides of the desert and the banks of the Nil that I met as part of an expedition carried
out in 2019 in this fascinating country that is Egypt.
 Egypt is a country, it is good to underline it, which  fascinates  at the  same time by  the beauty   and the  diversity of its 
landscapes in addition to the richness of its culture and its storyand my expedition which took place from  September 9 
to 29 September 2019 remains a fabulous memory in connection with my attraction for the Egyptian continent.  After a 
one-week stay along Lake Nasser in southern Egypt, my  journey  began along  the Nil in the  city of ASWAN  important 
port river located on the right bank of the river near the first cataract which is a jewel of  Egyptian  architecture that we
never tire of crisscrossing so much there are things to discover in this  authentic  city which  always remains  very active
in the search for traces of its history, in particular by the recent discovery in 2019 of 35 mummified remains of Egyptians
in a tomb."The waters of the Nile form a fertile zone about 10 kilometers in width ending to the east  of the river  by the
Arabian desert and to the west by the Libyan desert and in parallel with the geological data, architectural and archaelo-
gical and taking into account that Egypt is a 94% desert country, it is also interesting to  mingle with the fauna and flora
made up of various species and plants that have adapted to particular conditions  less  hostile  integrating, for  example,
34 species of snakes, scorpions and a few crocodiles that we have pleasure to observe along the banks  of the Nil". says
 the Egyptian guide Malik HEULKA with a smile while indicating me with precision and concentration all  the geographi- cal and topographical of the places mentioned on a map.

 Go up the Nil  on typical accompanied boats of  experien-

ced guides is a unique experience well often imbued with

emotion as I experienced in arrive at LOUXOR radiant and

magnificent modern  city  proud of  its heritage  adjoining

the old  city  to  the  south of  Thèbes  with the  temple of

Amon, connected  to  that  of  Karnak  by  a  dromos  thus 

constituting  a  long  alley  bordered  of   sphinxes   whose

construction was erected in the 14th   century  under  the reign of Amenhotep III before its subsequent modification

by Ramses II who  notably  added  6 imposing statues and 

2 obelisks  one of  which was  offered to   France  in  1831,

has since adorned in Place de la Concorde in Paris

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A Paradise For Lovers Of Authenticity

For nearly 3 millennia,  the Nil  Valley  has seen  one of the most brilliant civilizations in recorded  history  flourish by the
invention of an original writing in the form of syballic ideograms which were the famous hieroglyphs which always fasci-
nate by their forms and the aesthetics of their movements. A week-long getaway in the Lybian desert camel ride was an
unforgettable experience in addition to sharing the life  of the  Egyptian  guides  imbued with  ancestral  traditions  and 
values consolidated over time while discovering the Egypt of the pharaons which is a monumental work of world herita-
ge in parallel with circuits including the discovery of places imbued with serenity  expressing  the beauty  of these large spaces integrating all that nature has more noble.Going to the North before joining France,towards the city of LE CAIRE,
the political and administrative capital of Egypt, which is  welcoming  with its  narrow  streets dotted  with bright colors
complemented by traditional shops with architecture reminiscent of a theatre set from the 1930s.This  vast territory is a
true paradise for lovers of authenticity that it is interesting to travel through  particularly  shimmering itineraries  which
allow you to discover it from the inside and which can only delight lovers of adventure, history and culture  in the disco-
very of this fascinating country that is Egypt.

Report : Gabriel PAGE

Photos Credit: Gabriel PAGE/Getty Images

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