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                      GUIDES AND PIONEERS
The pioneering spirit is also an integral part  of the actors who act in the tourism sector and in particular in the development of the  ecotourism sector in good balance with the
protection of the environment as I observed during my  meetings with  EMAD FARAJAT
and the team of  RED ROCKS TOURS  agency  based in Petra in  Jordan which develops 
ethical and sustainable tourism.
"In fact,my vocation for tourism and its environment was confirmed at a very young age,followed in this by the past years
through my higher education specialized in tourism and hotel carried out in France successively at the University of Paul
Valéry site in Montpellier and in Istres in addition to my professional  experiences which  have given me global  openness
integrating sustainable development, ecology and the necessary protection of  the environment" tell  me Emad FARAJAT
welcoming me on the terrace of his office with a superb view of the great city of PETRA." We must also take into account
and this is an important point, that  awareness  of global  economic regulation  integrating  environmental data is recent
and is giving rise to audacious projects and also sustainable  over time,  including projects  and tourist circuits  related to
unique and majestic places as was the case in 2007 with the creation of the agency RED ROCKS TOURS whose the initial
objective is in line with the specificities specified in good balance  with the  geographical  data and  also cultural heritage
of Jordan alongside its tourism potential." This project is part of a multiple  approach intented  to support  our customers
and partners in the discovery of this fascinating country that is Jordan in the objective of ethical and sustainable tourism
with formulas including the overall management of the stays upon arrivals  at AMMAN  airport, capital of the  Jordan.Our
formulas are varied and imbued with the values of ecotourism on a background of adventures, culture and history taking 
into account the diversity and variety of spaces nature and wide open spaces complemented by  a great  preserved heri- 
tage that bears witness tou our history in parallel of a cultural richness that one never tires of discovering".
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The Cultural Discovery of Bedouin Populations

"The development of tourism in Jordan has been mainly constituted  for  several  years around  itineraries  which can be

be called "Classics" which link together the different archaeological  sites  while specifying that  the agency  RED ROCKS

TOURS develops since its creation in 2007, and while continuing to  promote  these gems architectural ,formulas for dis-

covering Jordan that go off the beaten track and meet successful with French  customers " tells me  Fatima tourist guide

and partner of the agency .Separated from the neighboring state of Israel by the Great  Rift Valley  and the  Jordan River

and mainly composed of a desertic and arid landscape located on its eastern part and a  mountainous  region  located in

its westerne part including a point culminating at 1854 meters with the Jabam Umm As  Dami completed from the Dead

sea , Jordan has geographical and geological particularities  which are  interesting to  visit on  the basis of formulas  and

original circuits which go for example canyoning descents in the gorges of the Mujib  and Dana nature reserves,trekking

based on 5 days in Dana  Biosphere  Reserve  to  Petra like  camping  in the  wild  mountains  located in the south  of the

country, expeditions by Jeep or on the back of dromedaries in the desert of Wadi Rum or well still the cultural discovery

of the Bedouin populations of the city of Petra "Discover territories with their cultural and historical heritage with great

landscapes and enriching encounters is pleasant constructive but to develop these places in a broader  perspective inte- 

grating environmental date impregnated of the values of ecotourism  also makes  it possible to  approach  nature and its 

treasures in all that it is  most  noble "tells  me  with  a big smile  Emad  FARAJAT.  "For  the years  to come, our plan is to 

develop our offer of services and our audience in Europe  and around  the world in  addition to  new formulas on innova- 

tive circuits  and  this  of a  bold  and  controlled  development  strategy in  good balance with  the  positionning and the 

ethical line and the right strategy of our agency". 



Production in 2019

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