The Cultural Discovery of Bedouin Populations
"The development of tourism in Jordan has been mainly constituted for several years around itineraries which can be
be called "Classics" which link together the different archaeological sites while specifying that the agency RED ROCKS
TOURS develops since its creation in 2007, and while continuing to promote these gems architectural ,formulas for dis-
covering Jordan that go off the beaten track and meet successful with French customers " tells me Fatima tourist guide
and partner of the agency .Separated from the neighboring state of Israel by the Great Rift Valley and the Jordan River
and mainly composed of a desertic and arid landscape located on its eastern part and a mountainous region located in
its westerne part including a point culminating at 1854 meters with the Jabam Umm As Dami completed from the Dead
sea , Jordan has geographical and geological particularities which are interesting to visit on the basis of formulas and
original circuits which go for example canyoning descents in the gorges of the Mujib and Dana nature reserves,trekking
based on 5 days in Dana Biosphere Reserve to Petra like camping in the wild mountains located in the south of the
country, expeditions by Jeep or on the back of dromedaries in the desert of Wadi Rum or well still the cultural discovery
of the Bedouin populations of the city of Petra "Discover territories with their cultural and historical heritage with great
landscapes and enriching encounters is pleasant constructive but to develop these places in a broader perspective inte-
grating environmental date impregnated of the values of ecotourism also makes it possible to approach nature and its
treasures in all that it is most noble "tells me with a big smile Emad FARAJAT. "For the years to come, our plan is to
develop our offer of services and our audience in Europe and around the world in addition to new formulas on innova-
tive circuits and this of a bold and controlled development strategy in good balance with the positionning and the
ethical line and the right strategy of our agency".
Production in 2019