TRAVEL NOTEBOOKS
OSLO  GARDENMOEN  airport. We  board  in  an  Airbus  A320  from  the  NORWEGIAN 
company  which  provides  a  daily  flight  with  BERGEN  when  at the top  of the access
gateway,the hostess on board greet us with  a "Hello , How are you. Welcome on board"
before inviting us  to join  our  respective  assigned  places. After  30 minutes of flight in
glorious weather, we begin our descent and observe through the porthole this beautiful
beautiful and rebellious land that is Norway through  these  distant  mountains coupled
with a harmoniously cut wild coast.
Located on the southwestern part of the continent , a port city with 278 ,121  inhabitants and the  second largest city in 
in the country after OSLO, BERGEN is a shimmering city with a typical architecture integrating harmoniously distributed wooden houses which separate it in its major part by the fjords which are the Sorfjord and the Byfjord in the  North and 
the Raunefjord and the Grimstadfjord further  west. It is  when  arriving at  Oystesse located  halfway between  BERGEN and ULVIK  when  you  see  the first  slopes  of  the Fjords  that  you really  enter  this  charming  country that is Norway.
Far from the hustle and bustle of the city and civilization, this fascinating territory made up of fjords that jut out into the 
continent has earned it to  remain  protected  from any  excessive human  presence or  unfolds  in a very wild setting  of
contrasting landscapes integrating  dark and silent  mountains  dominating  very deep  glacial valleys, narrow and steep
coasts called the Fjords.Located in the far  north of  Europe,  Norway is a  band of land  made up of coasts cut by valleys
called Fjords  including  in land  waters  among  the  deepest in the  world  with  a  particularity  which  is  that the water 
on the surface is very little salty taking into account its origin from torrents and  melting snow  which makes the Fjord a 
deep ravine where the sea goes far in land as we will see going further north towards Kaupanger at the  Fjord of Sogne-
fjord which is the longest and most important of them.
In  addition  to  the beauty  and variety of the  landscapes, 
criss-crossing the Fjords in  Norway  also offer the  oppor- 
tunity  to  discover a  rich and  diversified  fauna and flora 
helped in  this by  the  beneficial  contribution  of the Gulf 
Stream current  which  provides  a balanced  microclimate 
particularly favorable to presence of many  mammals that 
live on the steep mountain slopes bordering  the Fjords in
supplement  to  the  contribution  of  snow  and  ice which
provide them with water thus promoting the growth of the
vegetation. The characteristics of the Norwegian Fjords in
make an ideal environment for  wildlife both for  large sea-
birds than for  other  small  species forests  as on the Lofo-
ten  islands  including  365 birds  species  which  is the lar-
gest bird sanctuary of Norway where one  peacefully cros-
ses paths with the white-tailed eagle, the  golden eagle or the northern gannet.
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A paroxysm of magical and enchanting colors

During our journey  which takes us  further  north towards  Maley  which is   surrounded on both  sides by the  Nordfjord appears a more arid landscape embellished by a meteorology certainly temperate but also much fresher and which gives 
theses places, by their shapes and their inclinations, a touch a little irrational morning of landscapes  embellished with a
paroxysm of colors both magical and magical where wildlife reigns supreme. After a Canoe Kayak trip where the  view in
the heart of the Nordfjord Fjord is absolutely superb, we meet salmon fishermen who  know us read  while waving  at us
and proud of their cultural richness and very attached to ancestral values, the Norwegians want  to  preserve  their tradi-
tions very often transmitted from generation to generation which go hand to hand with their sense of   hospitality as are
all the peoples from the Scandinavian lands. One of the  particularities  of this  fascinating  Norway, it  is  the  permanent
juxtaposition of breathtaking landscapes, integrating all that the nature at  its most noble,with a rich  history and a great
preserved heritage .The next morning when our plane takes off from Bergen  airport in the  direction of Oslo  before rea- 
ching France,we observe a last again,through the porthole,this beautiful and rebellious land that is Norway with its wide wild spaces punctuated bursts of magical lights that fascinated us with their natural beauty.

Report: Gabriel PAGE
Travel and Expedition: Patrick And Martine LECOINTRE June 2019
Photos credit: Gabriel PAGE- Patrcik LECOINTRE / Getty Images
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