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The morning curiosity  of the desire  to discover other  horizons in good balance
with its  geological and also ecological  particularities  is also  an integral part of
the spirit of the  pioneers who,  for several centuries, mark  out the 5 continents
of the world as I have seen in Costa Rica, French Guyana and in Brazil as part of
Jaguar preservation projects and studies.
Member of five "Big Cats" of the genus Panthera with the tiger, the lion, the snow panther and the leopard,  the Jaguar
(Panthera Onca) is a carnivorous animal that found in a geographical area stretching  from Mexico  to the  most of Cen-
tral America and South America up to northern Argentina and Paraguay. Lonely animal who hunts on the  lookout,it is
also a superpredator who plays a important role in stabilizing ecosystems and the regulation of the populations that it
hunts in particular with  its agility coupled with a exceptional power of bite with a very particular method of  killing by
directly attacking first the skull of its prey giving a fatal blow to the brain to then cut it up.Stocky feline,rather short on
legs and very skilful to climbing, exploration and swimming, the jaguar is also the  only  feline to have had a  lasting im- pact on religion and culture of the American continent following the example of Pre-Columbian civilizations  for which
the jaguar has long been a symbol of power and strength. Its  well-defined  living  space is  concentrated mainly  in the  
tropical forests of Central and South America in seasonally flooded areas because the presence  of swamps,  lakes and
mangroves is an important factor in its installation in a region.
A  major  predator  of  Central  and  South  American  fauna ,  populations  of
jaguars have  been  declining  for several years  and  according  to  the  IUCN 
(Union International for the Conservation of Nature) the animal is considered
as an endangered  species in  the medium  and long term as explained  to me
Eduardo CARILLO Director of the International  Institute For Wildlife  Conser-
vation And Management of the National University of Heredia in the state of
Costa  Rica in  Central  America."As  early  as 1973, reports and studies  have
clarified the  risk  of  vulnerability of  the  preservation  of  the  Jaguar on the
American continent with, in particular, the  finding of  a  drastic  reduction in
the species present in the state of Costa Rica. My interest for this fascinating
animal dates back to 1990 and since then we have been carrying out actions
of  prevention  supplemented  by  Jaguar  preservation  operations  with  the creation in 2007 of the Jaguar Protection Program Trust followed by 3 years
later from the Jaguar Foundation".
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Jaguar distribution map

Red: Historical Distribution

Green: Current Distribution

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A desire to preserve the species
The consequent risks for the jaguar are  mainly the  deforestation of its living space, poaching, tropical cyclones and the
behavior of herders who kill the feline in order to protect  their  herds and  these data  have been  taken  into account in 
the project"Paseo Del Jaguar" "Passage Of The Jaguar" which is a system project interconnected network of sanctuaries
and conservation corridors spanning the United States, Mexico, Central America and as far as South America  in parallel
with studies and conservation projects for the species also carried out by the France in the department of French Guya-
na. Another particularity that is interesting to specify is the development of ecotourism which is  found mainly in  Costa
Rica, Brazil and French Guyana with the creation of tourist activities integrating expeditions and circuits in areas inhabi-
ted by jaguars such as along the Approuague River in French Guiana or in the Brazilian Pantanal in Brazil where one can observe jaguars that run along the banks of rivers while catching their prey.In our world in  perpetual movement  where
environmental data are sometimes neglected or  ignored despite  recent  awareness in  addition to  international agree-
ments, particularly on wildlife, it is reassuring to note that the  pioneering spirit is  also embellished  with creativity with
bold and innovative projects here and there for the  preservation  of our environment  which are only  acts mixed with a
few touches of color in the fresco of our world but who have the merit of sharing with us their desire for progress.
Report: Gabriel PAGE.
Photos credit: Gabriel PAGE. Getty Images (Production in 2019)
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