AROUND THE WORLD
Our planet has such geographic, ecological and scientific diversity that it inspires many
vocations, such as at the DUMONT D'URVILLE scientific base located in Adélie Land on the Antarctic continent in unique places expressing all the beauty of the earth.
Discovered in 1840  by  French  explorer Jules  DUMONT D'URVILLE,  Adelie  Land is a region  of Antarctica  valitaded by 
France as being one of the five districts of the French Southern and Antarctic lands located  in the only large cold region
of the globe that has remained in its original state. Also called "The Southern Continent"  with some particular  meteoro-
logical conditions since it is the coldest or there is no permanent  human habitat and  that only  cold-adapted plants and
animals  survive  there  like  emperor  penguins, the  climate  of Adélie  Land is  characterized  by very  low temperatures 
accompanied by violent winds often impregnated with particles of ice that are blizzards that cause average temperatures
to be -1 to 7 degrees during the summer season in the months of January  and February  and from -15 to-20  degrees du-
ring the austral winter for the months of July and August.  Space  dedicated and  protected by international  treaties and
protocols including that of Madrid defined in 1991 and implemented in 1998 which specifies data  relating to the protec-
tion of the environment in parallel with specially protected areas.Located in Antarctica, Adélie Land has  also a scientific
base since  1956  called Dumont  D'Urville  Antarctic  Base which  carries  out specific  work , in  particular with qualified 
teams concerning the movements and particularities of the atmosphere with its effects on the  climate as a complement to the  specifics  studies on  blocks  of ice  taken  from  very great  depths and then  to be tested  there in  the laboratory 
supplemented with studies and projects on the conservation and presentation of the  local fauna and  flora giving a geo-
graphical, technical and ecological particularity integrating priority to scientific research  activities in  good balance with
with international agreements on the protection of diversity.

Closer to the Great Wild Spaces

Managed by the French polar  institute  Paul Emile Victor, the  base, located  on a  isle ,is  accessible  by  boat  or by 
helicopter  completed  with an  installed  aircraft  runway
on the mainland 10 kilometers from  the base in order to facilitate the logistics data and the  use of   which  is only
from  October  to  February  during the   summer  season.
With a workforce of 30 people in  winter  for  an  average
110 in  summer, the  Dumont  D'Urville base  is  also  con-
nected  by  the  supply  ship  L'Astrolabe  which   ensures,
in addition to its specific support missions on site  supply
to the competent teams, the supply financing of supplies
and  provisions  in  parallel  with  teams  rotations  over a 
staggered period of November to March.

The corresponding scientific teams dedicated to appropriate studies also work closely with foreign countries, particularly with Italy, in the  context of,  for example, astronomical  studies for the installation  of telescopes and radio telescopes or

even geophysics and climatology such as the magnetosphere, the upper atmosphere, global warming  with its  impact on

the ozone layer, in  parallel with  fundamentall physics such as the  capture  of high-energy  particles. The base,  given its

location and its position, is also an important strategic place  for the study and  preservation of local  fauna mainly repre-

sented by emperor penguins and Adélie  penguins,  which are  pleasant to observe as  close as possible to  the great wild

spaces in parallel with  skuas or snow  petrels which  are birds that feed  in particular with emperor  penguins chicks and

despite the  negative water  temperature in  addition  to the  hard  climate,  we can  also  observe  at certain times of the

killer whales and whales emerging from these icy  waters with graceful  gestures.Discover  Adélie Land  and meet on the

base and on sites passionate  men and  women by their missions  and their  purposes  remains an unforgettable memory

in these majestic places often imbued with magic and fairy colors expresing all that nature has more noble.


Located  around  the South Pole,  sometimes  called  the  "Southern Continent",  Antarctica which  is  surrounded  by the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific  Oceans and the  Ross and  Weddell  seas in the  southernmost  continent on  earth and all of

territories  which  also  includes the  emerged  parts  of the  Kerguelen Areas  and  which share common  ecological data

represents the  Antarctic  ecozone. This specific area also covers Adelie Land with the Dumont D'Urville French Scientific

base  which bears the name  of the  French  explorer who  discovered   this territory  in 1840 and  which is located on the

island of petrels.

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Report: Gabriel PAGE

Photos credit: Gabriel PAGE . SAMUEL BLANC. GETTY IMAGES ( Realization in 2019 )

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