The consequent risks against a harmonious and balanced development of fauna and flora are mainly deforestation and
tropical hurricanes because we are still discovering in this radiant country new species and in the last 11 years alone
more than 41 mammals, 61 reptiles, 39 amphibians, 17 fish, 42 invertebrates and more than 385 plants have been disco-
vered on the island, representing more than 600 new animals and plant species in total where we find among them the
smallest primate in the world represented by a Lemur of 10 centimeters (Microcebus Berthae ) or a chameleon with an
unusually long snout (Calumma Crypticum ) in the same way as in the category of remarkable plant species the Loved
Baobab .Another one feature that is interesting to specify is the development of ecotourism with the creation of tourist
activities integrating expeditions and circuits in protected areas allowing, in addition to an awareness of the necessary
protection of the environment, the discovery of a rich and diversified fauna and flora in good balance with the natural
beauty of the island and its visible nature in its purest state. In our world in perpetual motion or the environmental data
is sometimes neglected or ignored despite recent awareness in addition to international agreements, particularly on
wildlife, it is reassuring to note that the pioneering spirit is also embellished with creativity ,audacious and innovative
projects here and there for the preservation of our environment which are only acts mixed with a few touchs of colors
in the immense fresco of our globalized world but who have the merit of sharing with us their desire for progress.